Charlie Weisgarber

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Who Needs Acne Scar Removal?

Acne can leave lasting effects on your face and body in the form of scarring. Acne scars can be embarrassing and unsightly. Men most often suffer from acne scarring. Therefore, they are on the search for acne scar removal procedures that can safely and effectively smooth out their skin. Acne scar removal treatments have improved in recent years and can reduce the majority of scarring.

Many people wonder why acne leaves scars in the first place. Why do some people have acne and never have scars while others have a face full of pits? First, think about how people sometimes improperly deal with their acne. They pop their zits which causes the zits to bleed. Your body creates a scar as a healing mechanism. If your body didnt produce a scar then your face or affected body part would not stop bleeding or heal.

The scar is composed of granulation tissue. Your epidermis then grows over this granulation tissue. Your body then relies on an enzyme called collagenase to gradually remove the scar tissue by chipping away at it for years. For many people, this makes the scar go away for good. However, some people do not ever reach this stage. The acne scar or residuals of the acne scar remains.

Are all acne scars the same? No, there are five main categories of acne scars which include pitted, keloids, ice pick, hypertrophic, and discoloration scars. Lets take a look at each type of scar in more detail.

1. Pitted acne scars are wide and shallow. They can be about half the size of a dime in width.

2. Keloids are dark, thick, and raised. They are a tumor that is the result of a genetic predisposition. Basically, the body is producing too much scar tissue. This type of acne scar tissue is especially of concern for black skin.

3. Ice pick acne scars are narrow, but very deep. They have sharp edges. They are usually the result of cystic acne. Ice pick acne scars are often referred to as deep pock marks.

4. Hypertrophic acne scars look like raised welts. The body produces an abundance of fresh scar tissue. This type of scar is often associated with wounds.

5. Discoloration is not exactly a scar, but it can be as embarrassing. Discoloration from acne can appear as red spots on white skin and dark spots on dark skin.

What acne scar removal treatments are available? You can undergo chemical peels, dermabrasion, bleaching, and injecting collagen. Which acne scar removal treatment should you choose? It depends. Bleaching is commonly used for discoloration while collagen is used for ice pick acne scars. You should meet with your Dermatologist to determine which type of scar or scars you have. They can suggest an acne scar removal plan that best meets your needs. They will show you how to prepare for the treatment and what to do during and post treatment. The one thing to remember is that acne scar removal can greatly improve your skin, but will most likely not make it picture perfect.

Are you confused about exactly what types of acne you have? Or maybe you want to discover just what causes acne! Then you need to check out:

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Natural Acne Medicine

An Effective Acne Natural Cure

Do you know how to treat your pimple outbreaks? Finding a remedy for your acne problems is not as hard as you might think. The key to pimple treatment is finding an acne natural cure that works for your particular type of acne outbreak.

You just need a bit of patience and experimentation to have a clear and healthy complexion. Find out about some treatments for stubborn skin problems that you can use at home.

One type of acne natural cure that treats blackheads is a wash of milk and lime. Get some fresh milk and bring it gently to a boil. Add the juice from a single lime, and gently wash your face. Make sure that the water is cool enough to avoid doing any damage to your skin.

You can also try to use a natural astringent for deep cleaning of your pores. All you need is a leafy mango from your local grocery store. Boil it in some water and after it cools, rub it gently on your face. If your acne trouble is not too severe, you can just leave the mango to soak overnight. This is an acne natural cure that will thoroughly cleanse your pores.

Some of the natural foods we eat are also effective forms of acne natural cure. If you are suffering from whiteheads, you should try a raw potato. The vitamin C in the potato gives your skin a healthy glow, and its alkaline clears the bacteria in your face.

It also has an acid that scrubs away dead or dying skin cells on your face, making it an ideal acne natural cure. You can also use a raw papaya fruit to treat the pimples on your face. These treatments also help your skin to stay healthy by preventing the spread of any infection.

You can also find that your skin becomes a little dry after trying an acne natural cure. You can re-hydrate your skin by using almond oil. Buy a bag of almonds, and grind four or five good sized nuts with water. Spread the paste on your face, but do not scrub.

It will smooth and add some moisture to your face. Curds and buttermilk are also effective for skin dryness. If you are not satisfied with the results of over the counter medication, then you should try an acne natural cure. Take your time to find the best treatment that will help you have a clear and healthy skin.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Acne Natural Cure. Visit our site for more helpful information about Acne Natural Cure and other similar topics.

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