Charlie Weisgarber

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

5 Acne Treatments You Can Do From Home

Natural Homemade Acne Treatments are the best way to get rid of acne. They will not harm the body in any way, because they are working with the body to get rid of your acne. Harsh prescribed and over the counter drugs are only treating the outcome of the real problem. To get rid of acne, you must treat it at the root of the problem.

I am going to share with you 5 treatments that you can do from home to get rid of acne naturally. Now, some of these may work great for you, and some may not, because everyone is different and everyone has different skin types.


The first treatment that I want to share with you is a natural face mask that will provide tons of minerals and vitamins directly into your skin. I am talking about a cucumber mask. Make a cucumber mask and put it on your entire face. Let is stay on there for around 15 minutes and then gently rinse it off with warm water. The cucumber will provide vitamins and great nutrition right into the affected area. You can find directions on how to make the masks with a quick Google search.


One treatment that I want to share with you is so simple but so effective. Water is the answer. One crucial step to get rid of acne is to get rid of the toxins that are causing the problem. Water will help get rid of these toxins really fast. Drink around 10-12 full glasses of water each day so that you can get rid of the toxins and help your skin heal the acne that you currently have.


When you see a pimple just starting to swell and get red, you can use toothpaste. Toothpaste will reduce the redness and swelling a whole lot. Put some toothpaste on the affected areas right before going to bed and leave it on there overnight. You should see a big improvement in the morning.


As a good tip, you always want to be gentle when taking care of acne. Acne can spread pretty easily because of the bacteria. Do not scrub your face hard when you have acne. The bacteria will go everywhere and you will be irritating the skin even more. Make sure that you are using soap that is intended for sensitive skin, and make sure that you are always gentle when washing. I dont even use a rag. I use my bare hands when washing my face.


One last treatment that I have to share is to make sure that you are eating lots of fruits and vegetables every day. Replace fatty snacks with fruits or vegetables. They are packed with water, vitamins, and minerals that will help you get rid of acne even faster. It is always a good idea to eat as much fruits and vegetable as possible each day.

Want to see what I used to Get Rid of Acne Naturally? I have reviewed it Right Here!

Natural Homemade Acne Treatments Natural Treatment Review



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